The water naturally springs from the artesian deep well known as Balbín Spring, part of a pristine underground lake formed roughly 20 million years ago. Once resembling a canyon, this confined aquifer is now described by local hydrologists as a ‘sand-filled aquarium,’ continuously replenished by the surrounding forests and hillsides. Protected by tens of metres of clay sediments, it remains maximally safeguarded from contamination. Rising under natural pressure, the water gains its distinct mineral profile as it travels through layers of rock.
The Balbín spring naturally releases highly mineralized water, and to optimise its suitability for daily consumption, we aerate it with oxygen. This natural process called ozonation effectively reduces excessive metals and compounds while preserving the essential minerals that contribute to its unique character.
As one of the region’s rare artesian springs, Balbin water has been monitored for decades and consistently proves its superior quality—free from pesticides, nitrates, or other contaminants.
*The parameters are assessed in accordance with standards for drinking water set by EU legislation.

Michael Mascha
Founder of Fine Water Society
“This beautiful, elegant, and award-winning still water with a medium minerality pairs perfectly with substantial fish dishes, light meat courses, pasta and also red wine”
Sommelier Review

Trusted by masters of the Epicurean craft.
Leading fine-dining chefs love Balbin water, as it elevates the culinary journey they craft for their guests, perfectly complementing their exquisite artistry in the kitchen.
Recognised by
The Fine Water Society
Member of
The Fine Water Society
Meet the world’s first
Grape-Carbonated mineral water

Nestled in the vineyards of South-Moravia,
we found a hidden gem of innovation.
Accompanying a gourmet menu or enhancing a luxurious stay, Balbin water adds a Touch of elegance to any occasion.
Balbin locations: